Which Angelina Jolie Character Are You?

Are you a fan of Angelina Jolie's movies? Have you ever wondered which of her iconic characters you resemble the most? Well, wonder no more! Take our quiz and find out which Angelina Jolie character you are!

From her action-packed roles in Tomb Raider and Mr. and Mrs. Smith to her dramatic performances in Girl, Interrupted and Changeling, Angelina Jolie has played a wide range of characters throughout her career. Each of her roles has been unique and memorable in its own way, and now you have the chance to discover which one you are most like.

Our quiz is designed to help you uncover your inner Angelina Jolie character. You'll answer a series of questions that will reveal your personality traits, preferences, and values. Based on your answers, we'll match you with one of Angelina Jolie's iconic characters.

So, are you ready to find out which Angelina Jolie character you are? Take our quiz now and discover your inner badass, your inner humanitarian, or your inner femme fatale!

1. What is "Which Angelina Jolie Character Are You?" quiz?

"Which Angelina Jolie Character Are You?" quiz is an online personality quiz that helps you find out which Angelina Jolie character you are most like based on your personality traits and preferences.

2. How does the quiz work?

The quiz consists of a series of questions that you need to answer honestly. The questions are designed to assess your personality traits, preferences, and values. Once you have answered all the questions, the quiz will analyze your responses and match you with the Angelina Jolie character that best represents you.

3. Can I retake the quiz if I'm not satisfied with the result?

Yes, you can retake the quiz as many times as you want until you are satisfied with the result. However, keep in mind that the quiz is designed to be accurate, so if you answer the questions honestly, you are likely to get a result that reflects your true personality.

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Personality quiz
Series of questions that intends to reveal something about the personality
Trivia quiz
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Voting to make decisions or determine opinions
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