What Gen II Legendary are You?

Are you a fan of the second generation of Pokémon games? Do you love the legendary creatures that were introduced in this era? If so, then you'll definitely want to take our quiz to find out which Gen II legendary you are!

With so many amazing legendary Pokémon to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one you identify with the most. Are you a fierce and powerful creature like Ho-Oh or Lugia? Or are you more of a mystical and mysterious being like Celebi or Suicune?

Our quiz will ask you a series of questions designed to help you discover which Gen II legendary Pokémon you are most like. You'll be asked about your personality, your likes and dislikes, and your favorite activities. Based on your answers, we'll be able to determine which legendary creature you are most similar to.

So what are you waiting for? Take our quiz today and find out which Gen II legendary Pokémon you are! Whether you're a die-hard fan of the games or just love the creatures themselves, this quiz is sure to be a fun and exciting way to spend a few minutes of your day.


  1. What is "What Gen II Legendary are You?"

    "What Gen II Legendary are You?" is an online quiz that helps you find out which legendary Pokémon from the second generation of the Pokémon franchise matches your personality the most.

  2. How do I take the quiz?

    To take the quiz, simply visit the website that hosts the quiz and answer a series of questions about your preferences, personality, and lifestyle. Once you complete the quiz, you will receive a result that tells you which Gen II legendary Pokémon you are.

  3. Is the quiz accurate?

    The accuracy of the quiz result depends on the quality of the questions and the algorithm used to calculate the result. However, the quiz is designed to be fun and entertaining, and the result should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Personality quiz
Series of questions that intends to reveal something about the personality
Trivia quiz
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Voting to make decisions or determine opinions
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