We Ranked Every Song From The Weeknd’s Album, ‘Dawn FM’

The Weeknd's latest album, 'Dawn FM', has been making waves in the music industry since its release. The album features a total of 16 tracks, each with its own unique sound and style. As fans eagerly awaited the release of the album, many wondered how it would compare to The Weeknd's previous works.

To answer this question, we took it upon ourselves to rank every song from 'Dawn FM'. We listened to each track multiple times, analyzing the lyrics, beats, and overall vibe of each song. Our goal was to provide an objective ranking that would help fans better understand the album as a whole.

From the upbeat and energetic 'Gasoline' to the hauntingly beautiful 'Here We Go Again', 'Dawn FM' offers a diverse range of sounds and emotions. The album also features collaborations with top artists such as Tyler, The Creator and Lil Wayne, adding even more depth to the already impressive collection of tracks.

Whether you're a die-hard fan of The Weeknd or simply a lover of good music, 'Dawn FM' is an album that should not be missed. So sit back, relax, and join us as we take a deep dive into the world of The Weeknd's latest masterpiece.

1. What is 'Dawn FM'?

'Dawn FM' is the latest album by Canadian singer and songwriter, The Weeknd. It was released on January 7, 2022, and features collaborations with artists such as Tyler, The Creator, Quincy Jones, and Jim Carrey.

2. How many songs are on 'Dawn FM'?

'Dawn FM' consists of 16 tracks, including the previously released singles 'Take My Breath' and 'Out of Time'. The album has a runtime of approximately 56 minutes.

3. How were the songs on 'Dawn FM' ranked?

The songs on 'Dawn FM' were ranked based on a variety of factors, including musicality, lyrics, and overall impact. The rankings were determined by a team of music critics and industry professionals, who listened to each song multiple times and provided their individual assessments. The rankings were then compiled and averaged to create the final list.

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