Time to Vote: Which Newest Couples of 2020 Do You Ship MOST?

2020 has been a year of surprises, but one thing that has remained constant is the emergence of new celebrity couples. From musicians to actors, the entertainment industry has seen its fair share of love stories this year. As the year comes to an end, it's time to vote for the newest couples of 2020 that you ship the most.

Whether it's the adorable chemistry between Dua Lipa and Anwar Hadid or the unexpected romance between Lily James and Chris Evans, there are plenty of couples to choose from. Perhaps you're rooting for the rumored relationship between Zendaya and Jacob Elordi or the long-awaited reunion of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt.

As you cast your vote, consider the factors that make a great celebrity couple. Is it their shared interests, their public displays of affection, or their ability to keep their relationship out of the spotlight? Whatever your criteria may be, there's no denying that these couples have captured our attention and our hearts.

So, who will you choose as the newest couple of 2020 that you ship the most? Will it be the steamy romance between Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly or the sweet love story of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner? The choice is yours, and the results will reveal which couples have truly won over the hearts of fans.


What is Time to Vote: Which Newest Couples of 2020 Do You Ship MOST?

Time to Vote: Which Newest Couples of 2020 Do You Ship MOST? is a poll created by a popular entertainment website to determine which new celebrity couples of 2020 are the most popular among fans.


How can I participate in the poll?

To participate in the poll, simply visit the website hosting the poll and select the couple you ship the most. You can only vote once, so make sure to choose wisely!


When will the results of the poll be announced?

The results of the poll will be announced after the voting period has ended. The length of the voting period may vary depending on the website hosting the poll, so be sure to check back regularly for updates.

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