The Best Celeb Versions Of The Dolly Parton Challenge

The Best Celeb Versions Of The Dolly Parton Challenge

Have you heard of the Dolly Parton Challenge? It's the latest social media trend that has taken the internet by storm. The challenge involves posting four different photos of yourself, each one representing a different social media platform - LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Tinder. The idea is to show how you present yourself differently on each platform.

But it's not just regular people who are taking part in the challenge. Celebrities have also jumped on the bandwagon, and some of their versions are absolutely hilarious.

First up, we have Ellen DeGeneres. Her LinkedIn photo shows her in a suit, looking professional and ready to do business. Her Facebook photo is a bit more casual, with her wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Her Instagram photo is a selfie, showing off her fun and playful side. And her Tinder photo is a bit cheeky, with her holding up a sign that says "Looking for love (or a new show idea)."

Next, we have Jennifer Garner. Her LinkedIn photo is a headshot, looking serious and professional. Her Facebook photo is a family photo, showing her with her kids. Her Instagram photo is a selfie, showing off her natural beauty. And her Tinder photo is a bit more flirty, with her holding up a sign that says "Swipe right if you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain."

And of course, we can't forget about Dolly Parton herself. Her LinkedIn photo shows her in a business suit, looking like the boss that she is. Her Facebook photo is a bit more casual, with her wearing a denim jacket and a big smile. Her Instagram photo is a glamorous shot, showing off her signature big hair and sparkly outfit. And her Tinder photo is a bit more playful, with her holding up a sign that says "I'm a singer, songwriter, and all-around badass."

These are just a few examples of the best celebrity versions of the Dolly Parton Challenge. It's clear that even the rich and famous have different sides to their personalities, and it's fun to see them all in one place. So if you haven't taken part in the challenge yet, what are you waiting for?

What is the Dolly Parton Challenge?

The Dolly Parton Challenge is a social media trend that involves posting four different photos of yourself, each representing a different social media platform: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Tinder. The photos are meant to show how people present themselves differently on each platform.

Who started the Dolly Parton Challenge?

The Dolly Parton Challenge was started by the country music legend herself, Dolly Parton. She posted a photo collage of herself on Instagram with the caption "Get you a woman who can do it all " and the trend took off from there.

What are some of the best celebrity versions of the Dolly Parton Challenge?

There have been many great celebrity versions of the Dolly Parton Challenge, but some of the best include:

  • Ellen DeGeneres
  • Reese Witherspoon
  • Mark Ruffalo
  • Viola Davis
  • Janet Jackson

Each of these celebrities put their own spin on the challenge and showed off their different sides on each platform.

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