The Best Adult Baked Mac And Cheese Recipe

Say cheese!The Best Adult Baked Mac And Cheese Recipe

If you're looking for a comforting and delicious meal, look no further than this recipe for the best adult baked mac and cheese. This dish is perfect for a cozy night in or for entertaining guests. It's creamy, cheesy, and has a crispy breadcrumb topping that will have everyone coming back for seconds.

The key to making this mac and cheese recipe stand out is using high-quality ingredients. You'll need a variety of cheeses, including sharp cheddar, Gruyere, and Parmesan. You'll also need heavy cream, butter, and elbow macaroni. The breadcrumbs on top are made with panko, butter, and Parmesan cheese, which gives the dish a nice crunch.

To make this recipe, start by cooking the macaroni according to the package instructions. While the pasta is cooking, make the cheese sauce by melting butter in a saucepan and whisking in flour to make a roux. Gradually add in the heavy cream and whisk until the sauce thickens. Then, add in the shredded cheese and stir until it's melted and smooth.

Once the macaroni is cooked, drain it and add it to the cheese sauce. Stir until the pasta is coated in the sauce. Transfer the mac and cheese to a baking dish and top with the breadcrumb mixture. Bake in the oven until the top is golden brown and crispy.

This recipe is perfect for a cozy night in or for entertaining guests. It's a crowd-pleaser that everyone will love. Serve it with a side salad or some roasted vegetables for a complete meal. This mac and cheese recipe is sure to become a staple in your recipe collection.

FAQs about The Best Adult Baked Mac And Cheese Recipe

  • What makes this mac and cheese recipe "adult"?

    This recipe uses a combination of sharp cheddar, Gruyere, and Parmesan cheeses, which gives it a more complex and sophisticated flavor profile than traditional mac and cheese recipes. It also includes a touch of Dijon mustard and cayenne pepper for added depth and spice.

  • Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

    Yes! You can assemble the mac and cheese up to 24 hours in advance and store it in the refrigerator until you're ready to bake it. Just be sure to cover it tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent it from drying out.

  • What can I serve with this mac and cheese?

    This mac and cheese recipe pairs well with a variety of dishes, including roasted vegetables, grilled chicken or steak, and a simple green salad. It's also delicious on its own as a main course.

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