Quiz: Which Shatter Me Character am I?

With Defy Me out now, we’re officially five books into Tahereh Mafi’s Shatter Me series, and it’s safe to say we have a pretty good idea of what all our favorite characters are like. From the characters that we met at the start, to recent favorites, take this quiz to find out which Shatter Me character you’re most like!Which Shatter Me Character Are You?

Are you a fan of the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi? Have you ever wondered which character from the series you are most like? Well, now you can find out with our quiz: Which Shatter Me Character am I?

The Shatter Me series follows the story of Juliette Ferrars, a young girl with a deadly touch who is imprisoned for years until she is rescued by a group of rebels. Along the way, she meets a cast of complex and intriguing characters, each with their own unique personalities and abilities.

In our quiz, you will answer a series of questions that will help determine which Shatter Me character you are most like. Will you be like Juliette, with her fierce determination and powerful abilities? Or will you be more like Warner, the enigmatic and complex leader of the rebels?

Take our quiz to find out which Shatter Me character you are most like. Share your results with your friends and see who they get!

FAQs about Shatter Me Character

  • Who is the main character in Shatter Me?

    The main character in Shatter Me is Juliette Ferrars, a 17-year-old girl who has been locked up in an asylum for almost a year because of her lethal touch.

  • What is Juliette's power?

    Juliette's power is a lethal touch, which means that anyone she touches with her skin will die. She has been isolated and feared because of this power for most of her life.

  • What is the relationship between Juliette and Adam?

    Adam Kent is a soldier who is assigned to watch over Juliette in the asylum. They develop a close relationship and eventually fall in love. Adam is one of the few people who can touch Juliette without being harmed.

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