QUIZ: Which Lady Gaga era are you?

Are you a fan of Lady Gaga? Do you love her music and her unique style? Have you ever wondered which era of Lady Gaga's career you relate to the most? Well, wonder no more! Take our quiz and find out which Lady Gaga era you are!

From her early days as a pop sensation with hits like "Just Dance" and "Poker Face" to her more recent work as an actress and activist, Lady Gaga has had a long and varied career. Each era of her career has been marked by a distinct style and sound, from the outrageous costumes and dance beats of her early days to the more stripped-down, emotional ballads of her later work.

In this quiz, we'll ask you a series of questions about your personality, your tastes, and your preferences. Based on your answers, we'll match you up with the Lady Gaga era that best represents you. Will you be a disco diva from the "Born This Way" era, or a glamorous jazz singer from the "Cheek to Cheek" era? Only one way to find out!

So put on your poker face, get ready to dance, and take our quiz to discover which Lady Gaga era you are!

1. What is "Which Lady Gaga era are you?" quiz?

"Which Lady Gaga era are you?" quiz is a fun online quiz that helps you determine which era of Lady Gaga's music and fashion best represents your personality.

2. How does the quiz work?

The quiz consists of a series of questions related to Lady Gaga's music, fashion, and personality. You will be asked to choose the answer that best describes you. At the end of the quiz, your answers will be analyzed, and you will be given a result that tells you which Lady Gaga era you belong to.

3. Can I share my quiz result on social media?

Yes, you can share your quiz result on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Simply click on the share button at the end of the quiz, and choose the platform you want to share it on. You can also invite your friends to take the quiz and compare results.

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