Quiz: Which Daybreak character am I?

QUIZ: Which Daybreak character are you?

Are you a fan of the hit Netflix series Daybreak? Do you find yourself relating to one of the characters on the show? Take our quiz to find out which Daybreak character you are most like!

The show follows a group of high school students as they navigate a post-apocalyptic world filled with gangs, zombies, and other dangers. Each character has their own unique personality and set of skills that help them survive in this new world.

Are you more like the tough and resourceful Josh, the charismatic and cunning Sam, or the loyal and dependable Angelica? Or perhaps you identify with one of the other characters like the eccentric and unpredictable Turbo or the intelligent and tech-savvy Wesley.

Our quiz will ask you a series of questions about your personality, interests, and survival skills to determine which Daybreak character you are most like. So grab a snack, settle in, and let's find out which character you are!

Once you've taken the quiz, share your results with your friends and see which characters they got. Who knows, you may even discover some new things about yourself along the way!

FAQs about Daybreak Character

  • Who is Daybreak Character?

    Daybreak Character is a fictional character from the post-apocalyptic Netflix series "Daybreak". He is a high school student who survived the apocalypse and is on a mission to find his missing girlfriend.

  • What are Daybreak Character's abilities?

    Daybreak Character is a skilled fighter and has a sharp mind. He is also resourceful and can adapt to different situations quickly. He is known for his agility and speed, which he uses to evade danger and fight off enemies.

  • What is Daybreak Character's personality like?

    Daybreak Character is a complex character with a mix of traits. He is brave, determined, and loyal to his friends. He can also be impulsive and reckless at times, which often leads him into trouble. He is also haunted by his past and struggles with guilt and regret.

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Personality quiz
Series of questions that intends to reveal something about the personality
Trivia quiz
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