Quiz: What Percent JOMO am I?

JOMO is the JOY of Missing Out, unlike the Fear of FOMO we’re used to. How capable are you of stepping back and letting yourself enjoy life? These research based questions will let you know just that.What Percent JOMO Are You?

Are you tired of constantly being connected to your phone and social media? Do you find yourself longing for some alone time and the joy of missing out on the latest trends and events? Take our quiz to find out just how much you embrace the JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) lifestyle!

Our quiz will ask you a series of questions to determine your level of attachment to technology and social media, as well as your desire for solitude and relaxation. You'll be asked to rate statements such as "I feel anxious when I'm not checking my phone" and "I enjoy spending time alone with my thoughts."

At the end of the quiz, you'll receive a percentage score that reflects your level of JOMO. Whether you're a JOMO newbie or a seasoned pro, our quiz will help you understand your relationship with technology and social media, and give you some insight into how you can embrace the joy of missing out.

So, are you ready to find out just how much JOMO you have in your life? Take our quiz now and discover your JOMO percentage!

FAQs about What Percent JOMO

  • What does JOMO mean?

    JOMO stands for "Joy Of Missing Out". It is the opposite of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and refers to the pleasure of staying in and disconnecting from social media and other distractions.

  • What is the What Percent JOMO quiz?

    The What Percent JOMO quiz is a fun online quiz that helps you determine how much you enjoy missing out on social events and activities. It asks you a series of questions about your preferences and habits, and then calculates your JOMO percentage.

  • How can I increase my JOMO percentage?

    If you want to increase your JOMO percentage, you can try disconnecting from social media and other distractions for a certain period of time each day or week. You can also prioritize activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and say no to events or invitations that don't align with your values or interests.

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