Quiz: We’ll reveal How Many People You’ll Have Sex With In 2018 Based On Your Life Choices

QUIZ: We Know How Many People You’ll Have Sex With In 2018 Based On Your Life Choices

Are you curious about how many people you'll have sex with in 2018? Well, we've got a quiz that will reveal the answer based on your life choices. This quiz is designed to analyze your personality, lifestyle, and preferences to determine your sexual activity for the year.

Our quiz is fun, easy, and takes only a few minutes to complete. All you have to do is answer a series of questions honestly and we'll do the rest. We'll take into account your relationship status, sexual orientation, and even your favorite sex positions to give you an accurate prediction.

But don't worry, this quiz is completely anonymous and your results will be kept private. We understand that sex is a personal matter and we respect your privacy. Our goal is to provide you with a fun and entertaining experience while giving you insight into your sexual activity for the year.

So, are you ready to find out how many people you'll have sex with in 2018? Take our quiz now and let's get started!


What is the average number of sexual partners a person has in a year?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it varies greatly depending on individual preferences and circumstances. Some people may have multiple sexual partners in a year, while others may choose to remain celibate. It is important to make choices that align with your values and prioritize your sexual health and safety.


Is it okay to have casual sex with multiple partners?

It is ultimately up to each individual to decide what is right for them. However, it is important to practice safe sex and communicate openly with partners about expectations and boundaries. It is also important to consider the emotional and physical risks associated with casual sex, such as the potential for sexually transmitted infections or unwanted pregnancy.


What are some ways to make informed decisions about sexual partners?

It is important to prioritize communication and honesty with potential partners. This includes discussing sexual history, preferences, and boundaries. It is also important to practice safe sex and get regular testing for sexually transmitted infections. Additionally, it can be helpful to reflect on personal values and goals when making decisions about sexual partners.

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