Quiz: We know if you’re single or “taken” based on your 2018 Netflix preferences

QUIZ: We know if you’re single or “taken” based on your 2018 Netflix preferences

Are you curious to know if your Netflix preferences can reveal your relationship status? Take this fun quiz and find out if we can guess if you're single or "taken" based on your 2018 Netflix viewing history.

Netflix has become a popular streaming platform for millions of people worldwide. It offers a wide range of TV shows, movies, and documentaries that cater to different tastes and preferences. Whether you're into romance, action, comedy, or horror, there's always something for everyone on Netflix.

But did you know that your Netflix viewing history can reveal a lot about your personality and even your relationship status? According to recent studies, people who are in a relationship tend to watch more romantic comedies, dramas, and chick flicks, while single people tend to watch more action, horror, and thriller movies.

So, are you ready to take the quiz and find out if we can guess your relationship status based on your 2018 Netflix preferences? It's easy and fun, and you might be surprised by the results!

Simply answer a few questions about your favorite TV shows and movies from 2018, and we'll analyze your answers to determine if you're single or "taken." Don't worry; we won't ask for any personal information, and your results will remain anonymous.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the quiz now and see if we can guess your relationship status based on your 2018 Netflix preferences!


Can I still enjoy Netflix if I'm single?

Of course! Being single doesn't mean you can't enjoy all the great content on Netflix. In fact, you might even have more time to binge-watch your favorite shows and movies. Plus, you can watch whatever you want without having to compromise with a partner.


What if my partner and I have different Netflix preferences?

It's common for couples to have different tastes in movies and TV shows. The good news is that Netflix has a huge selection of content, so there's something for everyone. You can also compromise and take turns choosing what to watch. Who knows, you might even discover a new favorite show together!


Is it okay to watch romantic movies on Netflix if I'm single?

Of course! Just because you're single doesn't mean you can't enjoy a good romantic movie. In fact, watching romantic movies can be a great way to escape reality and indulge in a little fantasy. Plus, who knows, you might even find some inspiration for your own love life.

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