There’s no better time than the present. QUIZ: Should you shave your head?
Quiz: Should you shave your head?
Are you considering shaving your head but not sure if it's the right decision for you? Take this quiz to help you make an informed choice.
Question 1:
How often do you currently cut your hair?
- Every week or less
- Every 2-3 weeks
- Once a month or less
- Less than once every 3 months
Question 2:
How much time and money do you currently spend on hair care?
- A lot - I regularly get haircuts, use expensive products, and spend time styling my hair
- Some - I get haircuts occasionally and use basic hair care products
- Very little - I rarely get haircuts and use minimal hair care products
- None - I don't spend any time or money on hair care
Question 3:
How confident are you in your appearance without hair?
- Very confident - I think I would look great with a shaved head
- Somewhat confident - I'm not sure how I would look but I'm willing to try it
- Not very confident - I'm worried I won't like how I look without hair
- Not confident at all - I don't think I would look good without hair
Question 4:
What is your reason for considering shaving your head?
- Style - I think a shaved head would look cool or trendy
- Convenience - I'm tired of dealing with hair and want a low-maintenance option
- Health - I'm experiencing hair loss or have a medical condition that requires me to shave my head
- Other - Please specify
After answering these questions, you should have a better idea of whether or not shaving your head is the right choice for you. Remember, ultimately the decision is yours and you should do what makes you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.