Do you follow your dreams and trust that a BFA in Opera will somehow lead you to a happy ending , or is your dad right to not-so-subtly suggest that you find a major you can actually do something with — like accounting? Let’s find out whether you should go the sensible route or take the major less traveled by. Should You Go After That Arts Degree Or Listen To Your Parents?
Quiz: Should You Go Listen To Your Parents Or After That Arts Degree?
Are you a Game of Thrones fan? Do you think you know who would've killed "I" if the show had continued? Well, now is your chance to prove it with our quiz!
The show left us with many unanswered questions, and one of the biggest mysteries was who would've killed "I". Would it have been one of the Starks seeking revenge? Or perhaps one of the Lannisters trying to protect their own interests?
Our quiz will test your knowledge of the show and challenge you to think critically about the characters and their motivations. You'll be asked a series of questions that will help you narrow down the suspects and ultimately reveal who you think would've killed "I".
So, are you ready to put your Game of Thrones knowledge to the test? Take our quiz and find out who you think would've killed "I"!