“Do not worry too much about your difficulty in mathematics, I can assure you that mine are still greater.” -Albert EinsteinCan You Score 5/10 In This High School Math Quiz?
Quiz: Score 5/10 In This High School Math Quiz
Online classes have become the new normal for students and professors alike due to the ongoing pandemic. While it may have been a challenging transition for some, others have found ways to make the most out of their virtual classrooms. Here are 13 hilarious things students and professors are doing in their online classes:
- Wearing pajamas to class
- Using virtual backgrounds to hide messy rooms
- Muting themselves and forgetting to unmute
- Accidentally sharing their screen with embarrassing tabs open
- Using emojis and GIFs in the chat to express themselves
- Playing virtual games during breaks
- Having pets interrupt the class
- Forgetting to turn off their camera during bathroom breaks
- Using funny filters during video calls
- Accidentally falling asleep during class
- Having family members walk in on the class
- Using funny hats or costumes during class
- Playing pranks on each other during virtual group projects
While online classes may not be the same as in-person classes, they have certainly provided some comedic relief during these challenging times. Who knows what other hilarious things students and professors will come up with next?