Only PhDs who major in English can get 11/12 on this quiz…are you up to snuff?Only PhDs Can Pass This Word Association Quiz
Quiz: PhDs Can Pass This Word Association Quiz
Are you often told that you look angry or unapproachable, even when you're not trying to be? Do people frequently ask you if something is wrong, when in reality, you're just minding your own business? If so, you may have what's commonly referred to as "resting bitch face."
Resting bitch face is a term used to describe a facial expression that appears unfriendly, unapproachable, or even angry, even when the person wearing it is feeling perfectly content. It's a phenomenon that affects both men and women, and it can be a source of frustration for those who feel like they're constantly being misunderstood.
If you're curious about your own resting bitch face level, you're in luck. We've created a quiz that will help you determine just how severe your RBF really is. By answering a series of questions about your facial expressions, body language, and general demeanor, you'll get a better sense of how others perceive you.
But don't worry - this quiz isn't meant to be taken too seriously. At the end of the day, resting bitch face is just a silly term that's been blown out of proportion. Whether you have a severe case of RBF or not, it's important to remember that your facial expressions don't define you as a person. So take the quiz, have a laugh, and don't take the results too seriously.
Ready to find out what level of resting bitch face you have? Click the button below to get started!