QUIZ: Only an Adele expert can score 7/8 on this lyric quiz

Are you an Adele fan? Do you know all the lyrics to her songs? Test your knowledge with this quiz and see if you can score 7/8 or higher!

This quiz will challenge your memory of Adele's lyrics, from her earliest hits to her most recent releases. You'll need to know the words to her biggest hits, like "Hello," "Someone Like You," and "Rolling in the Deep," as well as some of her lesser-known tracks.

Each question will present you with a line from one of Adele's songs, and you'll need to select the correct song title from a list of options. Some questions may also ask you to fill in the missing word from a line of lyrics.

Don't worry if you don't get a perfect score on your first try. You can take the quiz as many times as you like to improve your score and challenge yourself to remember even more of Adele's lyrics.

So, are you ready to prove your Adele expertise? Take the quiz now and see how you stack up!

FAQs about the Adele Lyric Quiz

1. How many questions are in the quiz?

The quiz consists of 8 questions, each featuring a line from one of Adele's songs. You must correctly identify the song title to score a point.

2. Can I take the quiz multiple times?

Yes, you can take the quiz as many times as you like. However, the questions will remain the same each time you take it, so you may want to wait a while before trying again to avoid memorizing the answers.

3. What happens if I don't score 7/8?

If you don't score 7/8, don't worry! You can always try again or brush up on your Adele knowledge. The quiz is meant to be fun and challenging, so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get a perfect score.

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