QUIZ: Only an 18-year-old knows which of these songs came out in 2020

Are you a music enthusiast who keeps up with the latest hits? Do you think you have a good grasp of the music that came out in 2020? Well, this quiz is just for you! We have compiled a list of songs that were released in 2020, and only an 18-year-old would know which ones made it to the top of the charts.

2020 was a year of great music, with artists like The Weeknd, Dua Lipa, and Harry Styles releasing some of their best work yet. But can you tell which songs were released in 2020 and which ones were from previous years? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test.

From pop to hip-hop to rock, this quiz covers a wide range of genres, so there's something for everyone. Whether you're a fan of Billie Eilish or Post Malone, you'll find something to challenge you in this quiz.

So, are you ready to prove that you're a true music aficionado? Take this quiz and see if you can guess which of these songs came out in 2020!

FAQs about QUIZ: Only an 18-year-old knows which of these songs came out in 2020

  • What is this quiz about?

    This quiz is about testing your knowledge of songs that came out in 2020. Only an 18-year-old would have been paying attention to the latest music releases, so this quiz is designed to challenge your knowledge.

  • How many questions are in the quiz?

    The quiz consists of 10 questions. Each question features a song title and four possible release years. Your task is to select the correct year in which the song was released.

  • What happens if I get a question wrong?

    If you get a question wrong, you will not receive any points for that question. However, you can still continue with the quiz and try to answer the remaining questions correctly.

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