QUIZ: Only a true Little Mix fan can score 11/13 on this Confetti lyrics quiz

Are you a true Little Mix fan? Do you know all the lyrics to their latest album, Confetti? Test your knowledge with this quiz and see if you can score 11 out of 13!

Little Mix is a British girl group that was formed in 2011. The group consists of four members: Perrie Edwards, Jesy Nelson, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, and Jade Thirlwall. They have released six studio albums and have won numerous awards, including a Brit Award for British Single of the Year.

Their latest album, Confetti, was released in November 2020 and features hit songs like "Sweet Melody" and "Holiday". The album has received critical acclaim and has been praised for its empowering lyrics and catchy beats.

This quiz will test your knowledge of the lyrics from Confetti. Can you match the lyrics to the correct song? Do you know all the words to "Not a Pop Song" and "Happiness"? Take the quiz and find out!

So, are you ready to prove that you're a true Little Mix fan? Take the quiz now and see if you can score 11 out of 13!

FAQs about the Confetti Lyrics Quiz

1. How many questions are in the quiz?

The quiz consists of 13 questions, each one related to a different song from Little Mix's latest album, Confetti.

2. What kind of questions can I expect?

The questions are all related to the lyrics of the songs. You will be asked to fill in the missing word, complete a line, or identify the correct lyrics from a multiple-choice list.

3. What score do I need to be considered a true Little Mix fan?

To be considered a true Little Mix fan, you need to score at least 11 out of 13 on the quiz. This means you have a good knowledge of the lyrics from their latest album, Confetti.

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