QUIZ: Only a Love Island expert can name 11/12 of these former contestants

Are you a true Love Island fan? Do you think you know everything about the show and its former contestants? Well, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with this challenging quiz!

In this quiz, you will be presented with 12 former Love Island contestants, and your task is to name as many of them as possible. But here's the catch - you need to get at least 11 out of 12 correct to prove that you're a true Love Island expert.

From the early seasons to the most recent ones, this quiz covers a wide range of contestants, so you'll need to have a good memory and a keen eye for detail to ace it. You'll need to remember their names, their personalities, and even their most memorable moments on the show.

So, are you ready to take on the challenge? Grab a pen and paper, or simply use your memory, and get ready to name those former Love Island contestants. And remember, only a true Love Island expert can get 11 out of 12 correct!

FAQs about QUIZ: Only a Love Island expert can name 11/12 of these former contestants

  • What is this quiz about?

    This quiz is about former contestants of the popular reality TV show Love Island. Only a true expert of the show can name 11 out of 12 of these contestants correctly.

  • How many questions are in the quiz?

    The quiz consists of 12 questions, each featuring a photo of a former Love Island contestant. You will need to correctly name 11 out of the 12 contestants to pass the quiz.

  • Is this quiz suitable for all Love Island fans?

    This quiz is designed for Love Island fans who consider themselves experts on the show. If you have only watched a few seasons or are not familiar with the contestants from previous seasons, you may find this quiz challenging.

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