Quiz: Little Mix fan only score 11/13 on this Confetti lyrics quiz

QUIZ: Only a true Little Mix fan can score 11/13 on this Confetti lyrics quiz

Are you a true Little Mix fan? Do you know all the lyrics to their latest album, Confetti? Test your knowledge with this quiz and see if you can score 11 out of 13!

The Confetti album was released in November 2020 and features hit songs like "Sweet Melody," "Holiday," and "Confetti." Little Mix fans have been singing along to these catchy tunes ever since.

This quiz will challenge your memory of the lyrics and see if you can match them to the correct song. You'll need to pay attention to the details and listen closely to the words.

Don't worry if you don't get a perfect score, this quiz is meant to be fun and a way to test your knowledge of Little Mix's latest album. Plus, it's a great excuse to listen to Confetti again!

So, are you ready to take on the challenge? Let's see if you can score 11 out of 13 on this Confetti lyrics quiz!

FAQs about Little Mix Fan Only 11/13 Confetti Lyrics

  • What is Little Mix Fan Only 11/13 Confetti Lyrics?

    Little Mix Fan Only 11/13 Confetti Lyrics is a special edition of the Confetti album that includes 11 out of the 13 tracks. It is exclusively available for Little Mix fans who are 11 to 13 years old.

  • How can I get Little Mix Fan Only 11/13 Confetti Lyrics?

    You can get Little Mix Fan Only 11/13 Confetti Lyrics by purchasing it from the official Little Mix website or from selected music stores. You need to be between 11 to 13 years old to be eligible to purchase this special edition album.

  • What are the songs included in Little Mix Fan Only 11/13 Confetti Lyrics?

    The 11 tracks included in Little Mix Fan Only 11/13 Confetti Lyrics are: Break Up Song, Holiday, Sweet Melody, Confetti, Happiness, Not a Pop Song, Nothing But My Feelings, Gloves Up, A Mess (Happy 4 U), My Love Won't Let You Down, and Rendezvous.

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