Its windows are broken. So, we use its when we talk about something that belongs to an animal or an object. With regard to it’s, spelt I-T-apostrophe-S, this is actually two words that have been joined together, namely it and is.
Ace this ‘Its vs It’s’ quiz to check your grammar chops. Are you sure you’re a grammar expert? take this quiz and find out the truth! Let’s go…
Quiz: Its vs It’s: Ace This Quiz?
Are you often confused about when to use "its" and when to use "it's"? Don't worry, you're not alone! Many people struggle with this common grammar mistake. But fear not, because with this quiz, you can ace the difference between "its" and "it's" once and for all.
The quiz consists of multiple-choice questions that will test your knowledge of the correct usage of "its" and "it's". You'll be presented with sentences and asked to choose the correct form of the word to fill in the blank. Don't worry if you get some wrong at first, because the quiz will provide explanations for each answer so you can learn from your mistakes.
Knowing the difference between "its" and "it's" is important because it can affect the meaning of a sentence. "Its" is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership, while "it's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has". Using the wrong form can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.
So, are you ready to test your knowledge and become a master of "its" and "it's"? Take the quiz now and see how well you do!