QUIZ: Ho w well do you remember Moana?
Moana is a 2016 American animated musical adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film tells the story of Moana, the strong-willed daughter of the chief of a Polynesian tribe, who is chosen by the ocean to reunite a mystical relic with a goddess. Along the way, she meets the demigod Maui, who helps her on her quest.
If you're a fan of Moana, you'll love this quiz! Test your knowledge of the film and see how well you remember the characters, plot, and music. Do you remember the name of Moana's pet pig? What about the name of the song that Maui sings to Moana? Can you recall the name of the goddess that Moana seeks to reunite the relic with?
With multiple choice questions and fun trivia, this quiz is perfect for Moana fans of all ages. Whether you've seen the film once or a hundred times, you're sure to learn something new and have fun along the way. So grab a pen and paper, get comfortable, and let's see how well you remember Moana!