Quiz: Do You Remember All Time Low ‘Dear Maria, Count Me In’?

Yaaassss.QUIZ: How Well Do You Remember All Time Low ‘Dear Maria, Count Me In’?

Are you a fan of All Time Low's hit song "Dear Maria, Count Me In"? Do you think you remember all the lyrics and details about the song? Take this quiz to test your knowledge and see if you're a true All Time Low fan!

The song "Dear Maria, Count Me In" was released in 2008 as the third single from All Time Low's second studio album, "So Wrong, It's Right." The song quickly became a fan favorite and is still a staple in the band's live shows today.

The song's catchy chorus and upbeat tempo make it a perfect sing-along anthem for fans of pop-punk and alternative rock. But do you remember all the lyrics? Can you name the music video's director? Do you know the story behind the song's inspiration?

Take this quiz to find out and prove your All Time Low fandom! Good luck!

1. What is the meaning behind All Time Low's song "Dear Maria Count Me In"?

"Dear Maria Count Me In" is a song about a guy who falls for a stripper named Maria. The lyrics describe his infatuation with her and his desire to be with her despite the fact that she is a stripper. The song is about taking a chance on love and not being afraid to pursue what you want."

2. When was "Dear Maria Count Me In" released?

"Dear Maria Count Me In" was released on March 3, 2008 as the third single from All Time Low's second studio album, "So Wrong, It's Right". The song became one of the band's most popular and successful singles, reaching number 86 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart."

3. What inspired All Time Low to write "Dear Maria Count Me In"?

"Dear Maria Count Me In" was inspired by a real-life experience that All Time Low's lead singer, Alex Gaskarth, had at a strip club. Gaskarth saw a stripper named Maria perform and was struck by her beauty and charisma. He later wrote the song as a tribute to her and as a way to express his feelings about the experience."

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