How well do you know the lyrics of “Empire”‘s hit original song, “Drip Drop?” Take our quiz to find out!How Well Do You Know The Lyrics Of “Drip Drop?”
Quiz: Do you know The Lyrics Of “Drip Drop?”
Are you a fan of the hit TV show Empire? Do you know the lyrics to the catchy song "Drip Drop" performed by Hakeem Lyon? Test your knowledge with our quiz and see if you can fill in the missing lyrics to this popular tune.
From the opening lines "I'm way up, I feel blessed" to the chorus "Drip drop, drip drippity drop," this song has become a fan favorite. But do you know all the words? Can you keep up with Hakeem's fast-paced rhymes and smooth flow?
Take our quiz and find out! Whether you're a die-hard Empire fan or just love a good hip-hop beat, this quiz is sure to challenge your knowledge and keep you entertained.
So what are you waiting for? Put on your headphones, turn up the volume, and get ready to sing along to "Drip Drop" like a pro. Take our quiz now and see if you have what it takes to be a true Empire fan!