QUIZ: Do you belong with Kevin or Edward from The Princess Switch?

Are you a fan of the Netflix movie, The Princess Switch? Have you ever wondered which of the two handsome male leads, Kevin or Edward, you would be better suited for? Well, wonder no more! Take our quiz and find out if you belong with Kevin, the down-to-earth baker from Chicago, or Edward, the charming prince of Belgravia.

The Princess Switch follows the story of Stacy, a baker from Chicago, who travels to Belgravia to compete in a baking competition. While there, she meets Margaret, the Duchess of Montenaro, who happens to look exactly like her. The two switch places, and chaos ensues as they try to keep up the charade. Along the way, Stacy falls for Kevin, while Margaret falls for Edward.

So, which of these two dreamy men is your perfect match? Are you more drawn to Kevin's kind heart and passion for baking, or are you swept away by Edward's royal charm and sophistication? Take our quiz and find out!

With a series of fun and engaging questions, our quiz will help you determine which of these two leading men is the one for you. So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let's find out if you belong with Kevin or Edward from The Princess Switch!

FAQs about "Do you belong with Kevin or Edward from The Princess Switch?" quiz

  • What is "Do you belong with Kevin or Edward from The Princess Switch?" quiz?

    "Do you belong with Kevin or Edward from The Princess Switch?" quiz is a fun quiz that helps you determine which character from the movie "The Princess Switch" you are most compatible with.

  • How do I take the quiz?

    To take the quiz, simply click on the "Start Quiz" button and answer the questions that follow. The questions are designed to help determine which character you are most compatible with.

  • Is the quiz accurate?

    The quiz is meant to be a fun way to determine which character you are most compatible with. While the questions are designed to be accurate, the results should not be taken too seriously.

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