Quiz: Bastille or The 1975 Lyric?

How well do you know The 1975 and Bastille lyrics, really?QUIZ: Is This Bastille or The 1975 Lyric?

Are you a fan of Bastille or The 1975? Do you know all the lyrics to their songs? Test your knowledge with our quiz!

In this quiz, we'll give you a line from a song by either Bastille or The 1975, and you'll have to guess which band it's from. Some of the lyrics are easy, while others are a bit more obscure, so be prepared for a challenge!

Whether you're a die-hard fan or just a casual listener, this quiz is a fun way to test your knowledge of these two popular bands. So grab a pen and paper, or just keep track of your answers in your head, and let's get started!

Don't worry if you don't get all the answers right - this quiz is just for fun, and it's a great way to discover new songs and lyrics from these talented artists. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the quiz!

Good luck!

1. What is the meaning behind Bastille's song "Pompeii"?

The song "Pompeii" by Bastille is about the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD. The lyrics describe the city's inhabitants frozen in time, as if they were still alive and going about their daily lives. The song is also about the idea of being trapped in a situation or feeling stuck, and the need to break free and start anew.

2. What inspired The 1975's song "Love It If We Made It"?

The 1975's song "Love It If We Made It" was inspired by the current state of the world and the political and social issues that are affecting people's lives. The lyrics touch on topics such as police brutality, immigration, and the refugee crisis, and express a sense of frustration and hopelessness. However, the song also has a message of resilience and the need to keep fighting for a better future.

3. What is the meaning behind Bastille's song "Good Grief"?

The song "Good Grief" by Bastille is about the experience of losing someone and the different stages of grief that come with it. The lyrics describe the feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to cope with the loss, as well as the moments of clarity and acceptance that eventually come. The song also touches on the idea of nostalgia and the memories that we hold onto after someone is gone.

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