Quiz: Are You With Edward or Jacob from Twilight?

QUIZ: Do you belong with Edward or Jacob from Twilight?QUIZ: Do you belong with Edward or Jacob from Twilight?

Are you a fan of the Twilight series? Do you have a favorite character between Edward and Jacob? Take this quiz to find out which team you belong to!

The Twilight series, written by Stephanie Meyer, has captured the hearts of millions of readers and viewers around the world. The story revolves around the love triangle between Bella Swan, a human girl, and the two supernatural beings, Edward Cullen, a vampire, and Jacob Black, a werewolf.

Edward and Jacob have become iconic characters in the series, each with their own unique qualities and personalities. Edward is known for his brooding and mysterious nature, while Jacob is more outgoing and passionate.

So, which team are you on? Are you with Edward, the vampire who is willing to do anything to protect Bella, or are you with Jacob, the loyal and protective werewolf who will stop at nothing to keep Bella safe?

Take this quiz to find out which team you belong to and see if your choice aligns with the majority of Twilight fans!

FAQs about With Edward or Jacob from Twilight

  • Who is Edward?

    Edward Cullen is a vampire and one of the main characters in the Twilight series. He is portrayed as a handsome and mysterious young man who falls in love with Bella Swan, a human girl.

  • Who is Jacob?

    Jacob Black is a werewolf and one of the main characters in the Twilight series. He is portrayed as a loyal and protective friend of Bella Swan, who also has romantic feelings for her.

  • Which team are you on: Team Edward or Team Jacob?

    As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences. However, this is a common question among Twilight fans, and it ultimately depends on each individual's personal taste and opinion.

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