QUIZ: Are you more Carole Baskin or Joe Exotic?

Are you a fan of the Netflix documentary series "Tiger King"? Do you find yourself drawn to the eccentric personalities of Carole Baskin and Joe Exotic? If so, you're in luck! This quiz will help you determine which of these two larger-than-life characters you have more in common with.

Carole Baskin is the founder of Big Cat Rescue, a sanctuary for big cats in Florida. She is known for her animal rights activism and her ongoing feud with Joe Exotic, a former zoo owner who was convicted of animal abuse and attempted murder for hire. Baskin has been accused of being involved in the disappearance of her second husband, Don Lewis, and this has been a major point of controversy in the series.

Joe Exotic, on the other hand, is a flamboyant and charismatic figure who owned a private zoo in Oklahoma. He is known for his outrageous behavior, his love of big cats, and his feud with Baskin. Exotic was sentenced to 22 years in prison for his involvement in a murder-for-hire plot against Baskin and for violating wildlife laws.

So, are you more like Carole Baskin or Joe Exotic? Take this quiz to find out!

FAQs about "Are you more Carole Baskin or Joe Exotic?" quiz:

1. What is the "Are you more Carole Baskin or Joe Exotic?" quiz?

The quiz is a fun personality test that asks a series of questions to determine whether you are more like Carole Baskin or Joe Exotic, two characters from the popular Netflix documentary "Tiger King".

2. How do I take the quiz?

The quiz can be taken online by visiting the website that offers it. Simply click on the start button and answer the questions honestly to get your result.

3. Is the quiz accurate?

The quiz is meant to be a fun way to pass the time and is not meant to be taken too seriously. While the questions are designed to be somewhat reflective of the personalities of Carole Baskin and Joe Exotic, the results should not be taken as a definitive statement on your character.

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