Quiz: Are You Ani Or Jessica From 13 Reasons Why

They say home is where the heart is, so let’s see what it reveals about you! Are you more Ani or Jessica based on the houses you choose between?

Are you a fan of the hit Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why? Have you ever wondered which character you relate to the most? Take this quiz to find out if you are more like Ani or Jessica!

Ani Achola is a new character introduced in the third season of the show. She is a confident and intelligent student who quickly becomes involved in the drama at Liberty High. Ani is known for her sharp wit and ability to read people, making her a valuable ally to those around her.

Jessica Davis, on the other hand, is a character who has been with the show since the beginning. She is a survivor of sexual assault and has become a vocal advocate for victims of abuse. Jessica is a strong and resilient character who is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.

Answer the questions in this quiz to discover which character you are most like. Are you more like Ani, with her quick mind and sharp tongue? Or are you more like Jessica, with her strength and determination to make a difference in the world?

Take the quiz now and find out!

FAQs about Are You Ani Or Jessica From 13 Reasons Why

  • Who is Ani in 13 Reasons Why?

    Ani Achola is a new character introduced in the third season of 13 Reasons Why. She is a transfer student at Liberty High School and becomes friends with Clay Jensen.

  • Who is Jessica in 13 Reasons Why?

    Jessica Davis is a main character in 13 Reasons Why. She is a student at Liberty High School and is one of the reasons why Hannah Baker decided to take her own life.

  • Can I be both Ani and Jessica?

    Yes, you can relate to both Ani and Jessica's characters. They both have their own unique personalities and experiences that make them relatable to different people.

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