Quiz: Am I Hilda or Zelda from ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’

QUIZ: Are you more Hilda or Zelda from ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’

Are you a fan of the 'Chilling Adventures of Sabrina'? Have you ever wondered if you're more like Hilda or Zelda Spellman? Well, now you can find out with our quiz!

Hilda and Zelda are two of the most iconic characters in the show. Hilda is the kind-hearted and nurturing aunt, while Zelda is the strict and ambitious one. Both have their own unique personalities and quirks that make them stand out.

In this quiz, you'll answer a series of questions that will help determine whether you're more like Hilda or Zelda. Are you more of a caretaker or a go-getter? Do you value family above all else or are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals?

Once you've answered all the questions, you'll get your results and find out whether you're more like Hilda or Zelda. So, what are you waiting for? Take the quiz now and find out!

FAQs about Hilda from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

  • Who is Hilda in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina?

    Hilda is one of the main characters in the Netflix series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. She is Sabrina's aunt and a witch who runs the Spellman Mortuary with her sister Zelda.

  • What is Hilda's personality like?

    Hilda is kind, nurturing, and empathetic. She is often the voice of reason in the Spellman household and tries to keep the peace between her sister Zelda and Sabrina. She is also a skilled healer and uses her powers to help those in need.

  • What are some of Hilda's notable moments in the show?

    Hilda has several standout moments in the show, including when she stands up to her abusive ex-boyfriend, when she helps Sabrina resurrect her boyfriend, and when she sacrifices herself to save her sister Zelda.

FAQs about Zelda from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

  • Who is Zelda in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina?

    Zelda is one of the main characters in the Netflix series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. She is Sabrina's aunt and a witch who runs the Spellman Mortuary with her sister Hilda.

  • What is Zelda's personality like?

    Zelda is strict, traditional, and fiercely loyal to her family. She is often at odds with Sabrina, who she sees as a threat to their way of life. She is also a skilled witch and uses her powers to protect her family and further their interests.

  • What are some of Zelda's notable moments in the show?

    Zelda has several standout moments in the show, including when she helps Sabrina perform a dark baptism, when she kills her own sister Hilda to resurrect her, and when she sacrifices herself to save Sabrina and her family.

FAQs about Hilda and Zelda's Relationship in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

  • What is Hilda and Zelda's relationship like in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina?

    Hilda and Zelda have a complicated relationship in the show. They love each other deeply, but they also have a lot of unresolved issues and resentments. They often clash over their differing views on witchcraft and how to handle Sabrina's growing powers.

  • What are some of Hilda and Zelda's notable moments together in the show?

    Hilda and Zelda have several standout moments together in the show, including when they resurrect each other after one of them dies, when they team up to protect Sabrina from the Dark Lord, and when they reconcile after a long period of estrangement.

  • Do Hilda and Zelda ever resolve their differences?

    Yes, Hilda and Zelda eventually reconcile and come to a better understanding of each other. They realize that they need each other and that their differences make them stronger as a family.

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