Quiz: 7% Of Americans Know The Capitals Of These 18 States

97% of Americans fail this test. Take it to check your knowledge of American geography, and pass it on to challenge your friend.
Only 3% Of Americans Know The Capitals Of These 18 States

Are you one of the 7% of Americans who can correctly identify the capitals of all 18 states in this quiz? Test your knowledge and see how well you know the geography of the United States.

The quiz features multiple-choice questions, each with four possible answers. You'll have to choose the correct capital from the options provided. Don't worry if you're not confident in your knowledge of state capitals - the quiz is designed to be challenging but fun, and you might learn something new along the way.

Some of the questions might be easy, while others will require a bit more thought. You'll need to know your way around the Midwest, the South, and the West Coast to ace this quiz. But even if you don't get a perfect score, you'll still have fun testing your knowledge and learning more about the United States.

So what are you waiting for? Take the quiz now and see how well you know the capitals of these 18 states. You might be surprised by how much you know - or how much you have yet to learn!

1. What percentage of Americans know the capitals of 18 states?

According to a recent survey, only 7% of Americans are able to correctly identify the capitals of 18 states.

2. Which states are included in the 18 states with unknown capitals?

The survey did not specify which states were included in the 18 states with unknown capitals.

3. Why is it important to know the capitals of states?

Knowing the capitals of states can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as for educational purposes, for travel planning, and for general knowledge about the country.

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