Quiz: 10 Things You Must Do During Mardi Gras

Mardis Gras is one of the biggest celebrations in the US. It’s also known as Fat Tuesday and begins on or after the Christian feasts of the Epiphany and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday. But never mind the history lesson, what are the best things to do during Mardi Gras?10 Things You Must Do During Mardi Gras

If you're planning to attend Mardi Gras, there are a few things you need to know to make the most of your experience. Here are 10 things you must do during Mardi Gras:

  1. Dress up in costume: Mardi Gras is all about dressing up and having fun. Whether you go all out with a full costume or just wear a mask, make sure you get into the spirit of the event.
  2. Watch the parades: Mardi Gras parades are a must-see. Make sure you find a good spot along the parade route and bring a bag to catch some of the throws.
  3. Eat king cake: King cake is a traditional Mardi Gras treat. It's a sweet, cinnamon-filled pastry that's decorated with purple, green, and gold icing.
  4. Drink a Hurricane: The Hurricane is a classic Mardi Gras cocktail made with rum, passion fruit juice, and lime juice. It's a must-try drink during the festival.
  5. Visit Bourbon Street: Bourbon Street is the heart of Mardi Gras. It's where all the action happens, so make sure you spend some time there.
  6. Take a ghost tour: New Orleans is known for its haunted history, so take a ghost tour to learn about the city's spooky past.
  7. Try some gumbo: Gumbo is a traditional Louisiana dish that's perfect for Mardi Gras. It's a hearty stew made with seafood, sausage, and vegetables.
  8. Get a Mardi Gras mask: Mardi Gras masks are a fun souvenir to take home. You can find them at many shops and street vendors throughout the city.
  9. Visit a cemetery: New Orleans is home to some of the most unique cemeteries in the world. Take a tour to learn about the city's burial traditions.
  10. Join a second line: A second line is a traditional New Orleans parade that's led by a brass band. Join in the fun and dance through the streets.

With these 10 things to do during Mardi Gras, you're sure to have a memorable experience. Just remember to stay safe and have fun!

1. What is Mardi Gras? Mardi Gras is a carnival celebration that takes place before the Christian season of Lent. It is a time of revelry, parades, and parties, and is most famously celebrated in New Orleans, Louisiana. 2. What are some must-do activities during Mardi Gras? There are many things to do during Mardi Gras, but some of the must-do activities include attending a parade, trying traditional Mardi Gras foods like king cake and gumbo, and participating in a masquerade ball. 3. How can I stay safe during Mardi Gras? Mardi Gras can be a wild and chaotic time, so it's important to take precautions to stay safe. Some tips include staying with a group, avoiding excessive drinking, and being aware of your surroundings at all times. It's also a good idea to keep your valuables close and secure.

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