Nou coses que hauries de netejar diàriament i segurament no fas

Són objectes que tendeixen a embrutar-se i que més en contacte estan amb tuNou coses que hauries de netejar diàriament i segurament no fas

Keeping your home clean and tidy is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. However, there are certain things that you may overlook when it comes to daily cleaning routines. In this article, we will discuss some of the things that you should clean daily but probably don't.

  • Remote Controls: Remote controls are one of the most frequently used items in your home, but they are often overlooked when it comes to cleaning. Make sure to wipe them down with a disinfectant wipe daily to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Light Switches: Light switches are another frequently touched item that can harbor germs. Use a disinfectant wipe or a cloth with some rubbing alcohol to clean them daily.
  • Doorknobs: Just like light switches, doorknobs are touched by everyone in your home and can easily spread germs. Wipe them down with a disinfectant wipe daily.
  • Cell Phones: Our cell phones are constantly in our hands and can easily pick up germs. Use a disinfectant wipe or a cloth with rubbing alcohol to clean your phone daily.
  • Kitchen Countertops: Kitchen countertops are a breeding ground for bacteria and should be wiped down daily with a disinfectant cleaner.
  • Bathroom Sink: The bathroom sink is another area that can harbor germs and bacteria. Wipe it down daily with a disinfectant cleaner to keep it clean and hygienic.
  • Toothbrush Holder: Toothbrush holders can easily collect water and bacteria, so make sure to clean them daily with a disinfectant cleaner.
  • Computer Keyboard and Mouse: If you use a computer daily, your keyboard and mouse can easily collect germs. Use a disinfectant wipe or a cloth with rubbing alcohol to clean them daily.
  • Bed Sheets: You may not think about it, but your bed sheets can collect sweat, dead skin cells, and other debris. Make sure to change and wash them at least once a week to keep them clean and fresh.
  • Towels: Towels can easily collect bacteria and should be washed after every use. Make sure to hang them up to dry properly to prevent mildew and mold growth.

By incorporating these daily cleaning tasks into your routine, you can help keep your home clean and healthy for you and your family.


1. Quines són les coses que hauria de netejar diàriament?

Algunes de les coses que hauries de netejar diàriament són: el lavabo, la cuina, els plats i coberts que utilitzis, el teclat i el ratolí de l'ordinador, el mòbil i altres aparells electrònics que utilitzis amb freqüència.

2. Per què és important netejar aquestes coses diàriament?

Netejar aquestes coses diàriament ajuda a prevenir la propagació de gèrmens i bacteris, que poden causar malalties i infeccions. També ajuda a mantenir la teva llar i els teus aparells en millor estat i a evitar la acumulació de brutícia i pols.

3. Què passa si no netejo aquestes coses diàriament?

Si no neteges aquestes coses diàriament, la brutícia i els gèrmens poden acumular-se i propagar-se, el que pot causar malalties i infeccions. També pot afectar la salut dels teus aparells electrònics i la seva durada de vida.

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