Kris Jenner Did WHAT? Check Out This True/False Trivia To Be Shocked

Are you a fan of the Kardashian-Jenner clan? Do you think you know everything there is to know about Kris Jenner, the matriarch of the family? Think again! This true/false trivia quiz will shock you with some of the outrageous things Kris Jenner has done throughout her life.

From her early days as a flight attendant to her rise to fame as a reality TV star, Kris Jenner has always been a controversial figure. But just when you thought you knew everything about her, this quiz will reveal some surprising facts that will leave you stunned.

Do you think you have what it takes to ace this quiz? Test your knowledge of Kris Jenner's life and see if you can separate fact from fiction. With questions ranging from her love life to her business ventures, this quiz will challenge even the most die-hard Kardashian-Jenner fans.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the quiz now and find out just how much you really know about Kris Jenner. But be warned, some of the answers may shock you!

  1. Did Kris Jenner really change her name after divorcing Robert Kardashian?

    True. Kris Jenner changed her name back to Kardashian after divorcing Robert Kardashian in 1991. She kept the name even after marrying Bruce Jenner and then changing her name to Kris Jenner again after their divorce.

  2. Did Kris Jenner really sell Kim Kardashian's sex tape?

    False. While Kris Jenner has been accused of many things, selling her daughter's sex tape is not one of them. The tape was leaked in 2007 and caused a media frenzy, but Kris Jenner had no involvement in its release.

  3. Did Kris Jenner really date O.J. Simpson?

    True. Kris Jenner and O.J. Simpson were friends and even went on a double date with Robert Kardashian and his wife at the time, Kris's best friend. However, Kris has denied any romantic involvement with Simpson.

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