International Day of What?! You’ll Never Believe These Are Real July Celebrations

Are you tired of the same old July celebrations? Look no further than the International Day of What?! quiz to discover some truly bizarre and unexpected holidays. From National Fried Chicken Day to World UFO Day, these celebrations will have you scratching your head and wondering who came up with them.

But don't let the absurdity fool you - many of these holidays have important cultural or historical significance. For example, National Ice Cream Day was established by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 to recognize the role of ice cream in American culture. And World Emoji Day, while seemingly frivolous, celebrates the way emojis have revolutionized communication in the digital age.

So whether you're looking for a reason to indulge in some fried chicken or want to learn more about the history of emojis, take the International Day of What?! quiz and discover some truly unique July celebrations.

  1. What is International Day of Friendship?

    International Day of Friendship is a United Nations observance day celebrated on July 30th every year. It is a day to promote friendship and understanding among people from different cultures and backgrounds. The day was first proposed in 1958 by the World Friendship Crusade, a group that promotes friendship and peace around the world.

  2. What is National Ice Cream Day?

    National Ice Cream Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of July every year. It was first declared a national holiday by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. The day is a celebration of one of America's favorite desserts and encourages people to indulge in their favorite flavors of ice cream.

  3. What is World Emoji Day?

    World Emoji Day is celebrated on July 17th every year. It is a day to celebrate the use of emojis, which have become a popular way to communicate in the digital age. The day was first created by Jeremy Burge, the founder of Emojipedia, a website that tracks the use and meaning of emojis around the world.

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