ChemPubSoc Europe Journals

Meet the Editors and Chairpersons of the Editorial BoardsChemPubSoc Europe Journals

ChemPubSoc Europe is a consortium of 16 European chemical societies that publish high-quality scientific journals in the field of chemistry. The consortium was founded in 1998 with the aim of promoting the exchange of scientific knowledge and advancing the field of chemistry through the publication of cutting-edge research.

The ChemPubSoc Europe journals cover a wide range of topics in chemistry, including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and materials science. The journals are published in collaboration with Wiley-VCH, a leading publisher of scientific literature.

The ChemPubSoc Europe journals are known for their rigorous peer-review process, which ensures that only the highest-quality research is published. The journals also provide a platform for researchers to share their findings with a global audience, helping to advance the field of chemistry and drive innovation.

ChemPubSoc Europe journals are available both in print and online, making them accessible to researchers and students around the world. The journals also offer a range of features and tools to help researchers stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field, including online access to articles, searchable archives, and alerts for new publications.

Overall, the ChemPubSoc Europe journals are an essential resource for anyone working in the field of chemistry. Whether you are a researcher, student, or professional, these journals provide a wealth of information and insights that can help you stay at the forefront of this exciting and rapidly-evolving field.

  1. What is ChemPubSoc Europe?

    ChemPubSoc Europe is a consortium of 16 European chemical societies that publish high-quality scientific journals in the field of chemistry. The consortium was founded in 1998 and has since then been committed to providing a platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research in chemistry.

  2. What are the journals published by ChemPubSoc Europe?

    ChemPubSoc Europe publishes a range of journals covering various sub-disciplines of chemistry. Some of the most popular journals include Chemistry - A European Journal, ChemSusChem, and ChemMedChem. These journals are highly respected in the scientific community and are known for their rigorous peer-review process and high impact factors.

  3. How can I submit my research to a ChemPubSoc Europe journal?

    If you are interested in submitting your research to a ChemPubSoc Europe journal, you can visit the website of the journal you are interested in and follow the submission guidelines. Each journal has its own set of guidelines, so it is important to read them carefully before submitting your manuscript. You can also contact the editorial office of the journal for more information.

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