Celebrate ‘World Whiskey Day’ By Getting A 9/11 Or Better On This Whiskey Quiz

Are you a whiskey enthusiast? Do you know your single malts from your blends? If so, then this quiz is for you! In honor of 'World Whiskey Day', we've put together a challenging quiz that will test your knowledge of this beloved spirit.

From the history of whiskey to the different types of grains used in its production, this quiz covers a wide range of topics. You'll need to know your Scotch from your Bourbon, and your Irish whiskey from your Japanese whiskey.

But don't worry, even if you're not a whiskey expert, this quiz is still a fun way to learn more about this fascinating drink. And who knows, you might just discover a new favorite whiskey along the way!

So, pour yourself a dram, sit back, and get ready to put your whiskey knowledge to the test. Can you get a 9/11 or better on this whiskey quiz? There's only one way to find out!


1. What is World Whiskey Day?

World Whiskey Day is an annual celebration of whiskey that takes place on the third Saturday in May. It was founded in 2012 by Blair Bowman, a whiskey enthusiast from Scotland, with the aim of encouraging people to try new whiskeys and learn more about the spirit.

2. What is the 9/11 whiskey quiz?

The 9/11 whiskey quiz is a quiz created by the website 'The Whiskey Wash' to celebrate World Whiskey Day. It consists of 11 questions about whiskey, ranging from its history to its production process. To get a 9/11 or better score, you need to answer at least 9 questions correctly.

3. How can I participate in World Whiskey Day?

There are many ways to participate in World Whiskey Day. You can try a new whiskey, attend a whiskey tasting event, or simply enjoy a glass of your favorite whiskey with friends. You can also take the 9/11 whiskey quiz to test your knowledge and celebrate the day in a fun way.

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