Are you more VSCO Girl or TikTok eGirl?

Are you more of a VSCO girl or a TikTok eGirl? Take this quiz to find out!

VSCO girls are known for their love of all things beachy and boho, with a focus on sustainability and natural beauty. They often wear oversized t-shirts, scrunchies, and Birkenstocks, and carry around reusable water bottles and metal straws.

eGirls, on the other hand, are all about the internet and social media. They often have brightly colored hair, heavy makeup, and wear edgy clothing like fishnets and platform boots. They're known for their love of TikTok and other social media platforms, and often have a large following online.

So, which one are you? Take this quiz to find out if you're more of a laid-back VSCO girl or a bold and edgy eGirl!

1. What is a VSCO Girl?

A VSCO Girl is a term used to describe a fashion and lifestyle trend that originated on the social media app VSCO. It typically involves wearing oversized t-shirts, scrunchies, Birkenstock sandals, and carrying a Hydro Flask water bottle. VSCO Girls are also known for their love of nature, sustainability, and taking aesthetically pleasing photos.

2. What is a TikTok eGirl?

A TikTok eGirl is a term used to describe a subculture of young women who have a distinct style and personality on the social media app TikTok. They often have dyed hair, heavy makeup, and wear clothing that is inspired by anime and goth culture. TikTok eGirls are also known for their love of music, dancing, and creating viral content.

3. Can you be both a VSCO Girl and a TikTok eGirl?

Yes, it is possible to have elements of both styles and identify as both a VSCO Girl and a TikTok eGirl. However, the two styles have distinct differences and it is up to the individual to decide which one they identify with more. It is also important to note that these trends are constantly evolving and new subcultures may emerge in the future.

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