9 Ways The New Lion King Movie Is Going To Be Different From The Original

We’re on the edge of our seats waiting for the release of the live remake of Disney’s “The Lion King”. It’s slated to come to theatres July 18th, 2019. Until then, here are some facts about the new film to get you excited!9 Ways The New Lion King Movie Is Going To Be Different From The Original

The Lion King is one of the most beloved animated movies of all time. It was released in 1994 and became an instant classic. Now, 25 years later, Disney is releasing a live-action version of the film. While the new movie will be based on the original, there are several ways in which it will be different. Here are nine ways the new Lion King movie is going to be different from the original:

  1. The animation style
  2. The original Lion King was an animated movie, while the new version is a live-action film. However, it's important to note that the animals in the new movie are not real. They are created using CGI technology, which makes them look incredibly lifelike.

  3. The cast
  4. The original Lion King had an all-star cast, including Matthew Broderick, James Earl Jones, and Jeremy Irons. The new movie also has an impressive cast, with Donald Glover, Beyoncé, and Chiwetel Ejiofor taking on the lead roles.

  5. The music
  6. The music in the original Lion King was iconic, with songs like "Circle of Life" and "Hakuna Matata" becoming instant classics. The new movie will feature updated versions of these songs, as well as some new music.

  7. The storyline
  8. The basic storyline of the new Lion King movie will be the same as the original. However, there may be some changes and updates to the plot to make it more relevant to modern audiences.

  9. The humor
  10. The original Lion King had plenty of humor, with characters like Timon and Pumbaa providing comic relief. The new movie is expected to have a similar sense of humor, but with some updated jokes and references.

  11. The visuals
  12. The new Lion King movie is expected to be visually stunning, with breathtaking landscapes and incredibly realistic animals. The filmmakers have gone to great lengths to make the movie look as realistic as possible.

  13. The themes
  14. The original Lion King dealt with themes like family, responsibility, and the circle of life. The new movie is expected to explore these themes in more depth, as well as touch on some new themes that are relevant to modern audiences.

  15. The technology
  16. The original Lion King was made using traditional animation techniques. The new movie, on the other hand, is being made using the latest CGI technology. This will allow for more realistic and detailed visuals.

  17. The length
  18. The original Lion King was just under 90 minutes long. The new movie is expected to be slightly longer, with a runtime of around two hours.

Overall, the new Lion King movie is shaping up to be a must-see for fans of the original. While it will be different in many ways, it's clear that the filmmakers have put a lot of effort into making it a worthy successor to the beloved animated classic.

FAQ 1: What are the major differences between the new Lion King movie and the original?

Some of the major differences include the use of photorealistic animation, the addition of new songs, the removal of some original songs, the expansion of certain characters' roles, and changes to certain plot points.

FAQ 2: Will the new Lion King movie still have the same storyline as the original?

Yes, the overall storyline will remain the same, but there will be some changes and additions to certain plot points and character arcs.

FAQ 3: Will the new Lion King movie still have the same iconic songs as the original?

Most of the iconic songs from the original will still be included, but some have been removed or altered. Additionally, there will be new songs added to the soundtrack.

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