11 Facts We Bet You Don’t Know About Our New Elvis, Austin Butler

Are you a fan of Elvis Presley? If so, you're in for a treat! Our new Elvis, Austin Butler, is sure to impress you with his talent and charm. In this quiz, we'll be sharing 11 facts about Austin Butler that we bet you didn't know.

From his early beginnings in showbiz to his upcoming role as The King, we'll cover it all. So, whether you're a die-hard fan or just curious about this rising star, this quiz is for you.

Get ready to learn more about Austin Butler and his journey to becoming the next Elvis. Who knows, you might even discover a new favorite actor along the way.

So, grab a pen and paper, and let's get started!

1. What is Austin Butler's background?

Austin Butler was born on August 17, 1991, in Anaheim, California. He grew up in a family of performers and started acting at a young age. His mother was a singer, and his father was a drummer. Butler's grandparents were also involved in the entertainment industry, with his grandmother being a stage actress and his grandfather a guitarist.

2. What are some of Austin Butler's notable roles?

Austin Butler has appeared in several popular TV shows and movies. He is best known for his roles in "The Carrie Diaries," "Switched at Birth," and "Zoey 101." Butler has also appeared in movies such as "Aliens in the Attic," "The Dead Don't Die," and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."

3. How did Austin Butler prepare for his role as Elvis Presley?

Austin Butler underwent extensive training to prepare for his role as Elvis Presley in the upcoming biopic "Elvis." He worked with a vocal coach to perfect his singing voice and learned how to play the guitar. Butler also studied Elvis's mannerisms and movements to accurately portray the iconic musician on screen.

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