10 times Monica and Rachel were BFF goals

10 times Monica and Rachel were our BFF goalsMonica and Rachel bestie goals

Monica and Rachel's friendship on the hit TV show Friends was one of the most iconic and beloved relationships on television. Their bond was so strong that they were often referred to as BFF goals. Here are 10 times Monica and Rachel proved why they were the ultimate best friends:

  1. When Rachel moved in with Monica after leaving her fiancé at the altar, Monica was there to comfort her and help her start a new life.
  2. Monica and Rachel's matching purple door frames in their apartment showed their commitment to each other and their shared sense of style.
  3. When Rachel got a new job at Ralph Lauren, Monica threw her a surprise going-away party to show her how much she would be missed.
  4. Monica and Rachel's Thanksgiving tradition of watching football and eating grilled cheese sandwiches in their pajamas was a testament to their love of comfort and each other's company.
  5. When Rachel accidentally broke Monica's favorite plate, she went to great lengths to replace it and make things right with her best friend.
  6. Monica and Rachel's dance routine to "The Routine" at a New Year's Eve party was a hilarious and heartwarming moment that showcased their close bond.
  7. When Rachel was pregnant with Ross's baby, Monica was there to support her and help her prepare for motherhood.
  8. Monica and Rachel's joint effort to win back their apartment from Chandler and Joey in a trivia game showed their competitive spirit and their unwavering loyalty to each other.
  9. When Rachel was struggling with her feelings for Ross, Monica was there to listen and offer advice, even if it meant putting her own feelings aside.
  10. Monica and Rachel's final scene together in the series finale, where they hugged and said goodbye to their beloved apartment, was a touching moment that left fans in tears.

Monica and Rachel's friendship was a shining example of what it means to be a true best friend. Their unwavering support, loyalty, and love for each other made them BFF goals that will never be forgotten.

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